Vita is owned and loved by Joanne Klauer of Integra Boxers in Calgary, Alberta. Vita was the one puppy in the litter whose puppy aptitude testing indicated
that she had great potential as a performance/working dog but was also had quite the energy level that only an experienced Boxer owner could handle :-) At 5 weeks of age Vita was jumping out of the whelping box and scaling the 18" x-pen. When I moved up to the 24" x-pen Vita continued
to scale it quite easily. When she was 6 weeks old Vita scaled my 42" x-pen while I was at work. I came home to her relaxing in the open wire crate while her littermates were wondering how she got there and why they couldn't get there :-) I knew after that night that Vita needed someone who
would know how to direct her energy into doing positive activities and I thought of Joanne Klauer who had recently lost her beautiful and wonderful working girl, Pinot. I contacted Joanne to see if she was ready for another girl in her life on the very day she was struggling with the decision to get
another Boxer or not. Joanne asked if she could come up to meet and put Vita through some puppy testing of her own. Of course I said yes and the rest is history :-) I am very excited to see what this team will accomplish in the future in the performance events! Vita will also dabble in the conformation
ring with Joanne with the goal of attaining her Canadian Champion title. You can see more of Vita on her webpage on Joanne's website here.
Vita is out of Country Time's Black Pearl (CJ) and sired by the stunning BISS Am/Can. BPIS Ch. Summer's Blackjack Of Shadigee SOMC (Blackjack),
who is owned and loved by Mary Jane & Lee Nowak of Shadigee Boxers in Kentucky. Blackjack has been producing
lovely puppies with correct conformation, movement and wonderful temperaments. In 2007, Blackjack was awarded the Boxer Club of Canada's Top Boxer
Sire with seven get finishing their Canadian Championship! Vita and her littermates are the result of my first frozen semen or "pupsicle" litter. I want to thank Mary Jane & Lee for allowing me to breed CJ to their gorgeous and outstanding producer!
On July 20, 2010, Vita wins Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Robert Del Puero (Argentina) at the Alberta Kennel Clubshows!! Vita was handled to this win by her owner Joanne Klauer!
On October 23, 2010, Vita wins Winners Bitch for 3 points under judge George Murray (USA) and on October 24, 2010, Vita wins Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Arley Hussin (USA) at the Battle River Canine
Association shows!! Vita was handled beautifully to these wins by handler Larry Clark!
On November 5, 2010, Vita wins Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Mary White (USA), on November 6, 2010, Vita wins Winners Bitch for 3 points under judge Dr. John Reeve Newson (Canada)
and on November 7, 2010, Vita wins Winners Bitch for another 3 points under judge Charles Trotter (USA) at the Red Deer & District Kennel Club shows!! Vita was handled beautifully to these wins by handler Larry Clark!
On February 4, 2011, Vita wins Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Donald Fitzsimmons (Canada) and on February 5, 2011, Vita wins Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Edd Bivin (USA) at the Evelyn Kenny
Kennel & Obedience Club shows!! Vita was handled to these wins by handler Larry Clark!
On March 12, 2011, Vita wins Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Skip Stanbridge (Canada) at the Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club show!! Vita was handled to this win by handler Larry Clark!
On March 26, 2011, Vita wins Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Joe Tacker (USA) and on March 27, 2011, Vita wins Winners Bitch for 3 points and Best of Opposite Sex under judge Houston
Clark (USA) to finish her Canadian Championship at the Battle River Canine Association shows!! She was handled beautifully to these wins by Milton Lopes! Vita is the 2nd Canadian Champion for her dam Country Time's Black Pearl (CJ) and is the 17th Canadian
Champion for her sire Am. BISS/Can. BPIS Ch. Summer's Blackjack Of Shadigee A/C SOM (Blackjack) who is owned and loved by Mary Jane & Lee Nowak of Shadigee Boxers. I am now looking
forward to watching Vita's accomplishments in the performance ring with her owner Joanne Klauer!
At the American Boxer Club National Specialy Show in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, Vita makes her debut in obedience and in rally obedience! On
May 7, 2011, Vita and her owner Joanne Klauer qualified with a 193 in Beginner Novice Class B under judge Jon H. Mett and on the same day Vita and Joanne qualified with a 96 in Rally Novice Class B under judge Carol Mett!! Way to go girls!!
Flash! At the Lethbridge & District Kennel Club Agility Trials on July 2, 2011, Vita and Joanne qualify in Novice Select JWW with a score of 90 for 2nd place and a score of
100 for 1st place under judge Brenda Goodbody! The following day, July 3, 2011, Vita and Joanne qualify in Novice Select JWW with a score of 95 for 1st place under judge Brenda Goodbody which gave Vita her first agility title (AgNJS)! That same day Vita and Joanne qualify in Novice Select JWW
with a score of 90 for 1st place under judge Brenda Goodbody and they also qualify in Novice Select Standard with a score of 100 for 1st place under judge Kirsten Locke!! A great start for Vita in the agility ring!!! I am very proud of this team!!!