CynTech Boxers (Perm. Reg'd) does not have any litters at this time. I am currently in the planning stages for the next litter here at CynTech Boxer Perm. Reg'd. If you are interested in a puppy from my next planned litter please feel free to fill out my questionnaire below or contact Cindy by phone at (403)346-9848 (this is the best way to get me) or contact me by email at for more info. Otherwise please consider adopting a rescue through Boxer Rescue Canada. You can also find other breeder's websites listed on my Links page. Please note that inclusion does not equal endorsement.

Please take a look at the lovely female puppy that Livin Boxers has a available to an approved home on my Referral page.

Please read our Health Testing page for information on the health conditions that Boxers are prone to and the methods of health testing used to check for these conditions prior to breeding.

Please note that if you are interested in a Boxer puppy or adult from CynTech Boxers Perm. Reg'd, please fill out my questionnaire.

Below is my description of the difference between a Companion/Pet Boxer puppy and a Breeding/Show Potential Boxer puppy.

Companion/Pet:   Is a puppy that at the time of evaluation, in the breeder's opinion, doesn't have the potential that the breeder is looking for to be competitive in the conformation ring and/or doesn't have the potential to contribute in the breeder's breeding program for various reasons. Some of these reasons may include the structure of the puppy (how the puppy is put together), the white markings on the puppy (white markings should enhance the overall look of the puppy), if the puppy has more than 1/3 white on it's body or is completely white (check or white Boxers are a disqualification in the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Boxer Standard and therefore, cannot be shown and should not be bred), in some cases, the temperament of the puppy (if the puppy is too laid back or is too timid) and in males, one or both testicles have not descended. Companion/pet puppies come from the same health tested parents that the breeder has carefully chosen to mate together and share the same quality pedigree as his or her breeding/show potential sibling(s). All companion/pet puppies are sold on a spay or neuter contract with the breeder as well as on a Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Non-Breeding Agreement. Companion/pet puppies are often make a good prospect for those who are interested in doing or wanting to compete in Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) performance events such as agility, draft dog, herding, obedience, rally obedience, scent hurdling, and schutzhund.

Breeding/Show Potential:   Is a puppy that at the time of evaluation, in the breeder's opinion, has the potential to be competitive in the conformation ring and/or has the potential to contribute to a breeding program because of it's structure, markings, temperament and in males, both testicles have descended. Some breeders will evaluate their litters each week from the time they are born and some breeders won't evaluate their litters until six to eight weeks of age. Each breeder is different but most will make a final evaluation at eight weeks of age and some breeders won't make a final evaluation till much later. Breeders may sell a breeding/show potential puppy to a buyer with full ownership or on a co-ownership. In addition, most breeders sell breeding/show potential puppies on a Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Non-Breeding agreement and on a contract with the breeder which may stipulate certain criteria that must be met (puppy must be shown to either an American or a Canadian conformation title or both, health testing requirements, etc.) before a male or female can be used for breeding. Once the required criteria has been met and the breeder is satisfied, he or she can cancel the CKC Non-Breeding agreement.

A Note About Contracts:   Co-ownership and full ownership contracts should benefit all parties involved. Make sure you read the contract over carefully on your own and with your breeder. Discuss any area or areas of concern in the contract that you are unsure of with the breeder and make any changes needed before signing the contract! No person or persons should sign a contract that they are not comfortable with or if they cannot or will not abide by and agree to the conditions in the contract. When you sign and date a contract, it tells the breeder you have read, understand and agree to all the conditions in the contract. And yes, there can be some unforeseen circumstance or circumstances that may come up well after you sign the contract. In such cases, most breeders are willing to sit down, discuss and resolve the issue or issues that have come up, so don't be afraid to inform your breeder of any issue that has come up. Contracts, first and foremost, are used to protect the puppy or puppies that a breeder has brought into this world, for the entire lifespan of each puppy, no matter which type of contract the puppy is sold on. A breeder is there to provide guidance and support to those who purchase puppies from them, for the entire lifespan of the dog and any disagreements after the contract is signed can sometimes cause irrepairable damage to the relationship between buyer and breeder. By making sure you are comfortable with the contract you and your breeder have agreed to and by keeping the communication lines open, both parties will hopefully benefit from the reward of forming a new, long-lasting friendship that has one thing in common - the joys of owning a purebred Boxer!

Boxer animations courtesy of Brody's Animations

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