Butler stacked at 6 weeks and Butler in the snow at 10 months

Butler at 13 months

Sire: Can. Ch. Berlane's Corporate Image SOM               Dam: Malimi's New Debut For CynTech CD, ASCA CD DOM
April 22, 1999 - November 22, 2008

View Butler's Pedigree

Butler is owned and loved by Kim & Lorne Shearing of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Today I spoke with Kim who informed me that Butler was sent to Rainbow Bridge on November 22, 2008, when he could no longer walk from the Spondylosis he suffered from. Butler was a certified pet therapy dog who brought much joy to not only his owners, Kim and Lorne, but to all those lives he touched during his visits. I am so proud of this beautiful boy who was a wonderful ambassador for the breed. Thank you Kim and Lorne for giving Butler such a wonderful, loving home! I am so proud of all that you did with this very much missed Boxer boy! God speed and run free sweet Butler.

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